Artery-vein fistula
Echocardiogram of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion
Vein graft
About Us
With outstanding microsurgical skills, we create high-quality, working, and validated cardiovascular models to evaluate various biological targets and pharmaceutical compounds. We can precisely, accurately and consistently perform cardiovascular microsurgeries in vivo, including and not limited to vein-graft and AV-fistula models, and myocardial infarction/reperfusion models. We then analyze the function of the biological targets and the efficacy of pharmaceutical compounds via echocardiograms and images with our VisualSonics Vevo 2100 Imaging System, our Olympus MVX10 intravital microscope and histology.
Our vision is to become the best team in the world to provide the most reliable in vivo data to the research scientists at CICS, as well as to other coordinated research labs or institutes. We work cooperatively, and in conjunction with other researchers to provide a service that can lead to decision-enabling results.