Santinelli Pestana, Diego

Dr. Diego Santinelli Pestana earned his medical degree and underwent clinical training at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. As a medical school student, Diego joined Dr. Masanori Aikawa’s research group as an exchange research trainee after being awarded with an undergraduate grant by Lemann Foundation. He has trained to use biomolecular techniques and acquired solid fundamentals to work in basic and translational research during his time in Boston. After graduating from medical school in Brazil, Diego volunteered to work at USP teaching hospitals during the COVID pandemic, both as a clinician and a clinical researcher.

In October 2021, Diego joins Dr. Masanori Aikawa’s group again, but this time as a postdoctoral research fellow, where he will be working on multiple projects centered around artificial intelligence to integrate multi-omics, histological, and clinical data to correlate phenotypical characteristics of pathologies with their biomolecular signatures. Diego will also be working with Dr. Sasha Singh’s Proteomics Research Group to investigate post-translational protein modifications involved with atherosclerosis using directed Mass Spectrometry, as a way to identify novel potential targets for drug development.